Infrared Emitters: An Explanation In Laymen's Terms For Curious Consumers
Even though as consumers people tend to look at an electronic device as one thing, these electrical items are most often a collaboration of numerous parts and pieces that make the item function as expected. Take apart something as simple as your remote control, and you will find all kinds of parts and electrical components inside that make the electronic function. One of the things you will find in just about any remote control is an infrared (IR) emitter. Whether you are just curious about how things work or you are interested in electrical engineering, IR emitters are one electrical component you should get more familiar with for sure.
What exactly is an IR emitter?
Basically, an IR emitter utilizes light energy for the transmission of infrared signals. These infrared signals can be used to transmit control information, but the infrared transmission can also be used for other processes that require remote or cool-temperature energy. The IR emitter itself tends to look like a small LED light connected by wiring to the main motherboard of an electronic device. However, depending on the strength and model, an IR emitter can be much larger and made in different ways.
How does the IR emitter work?
The IR emitter uses frequencies in the air to transmit a signal from one device or another or from one part of a device to another. This is why IR emitters are most commonly associated with devices that are remote controlled. The more powerful the IR transmitter is, the easier it is for the receiver to pick up a sent signal from the transmitter. For example, some of the top-quality remote controls have an advanced IR emitter so you can change channels on your television even if you are not necessarily close to the TV or even in the same room.
Where else can you find IR emitters?
IR emitters are found in all kinds of electronics and electronic components. Some smartphones and tablets have a more advanced version of an IR emitter, which is referred to as an IR blaster. Likewise, smart televisions and other network-connected devices sometimes have an IR blaster or emitter. In these kinds of devices, the IR emitter works as an extender of sorts to broaden the remote connectivity range. Even some solar units use IR emitters for energy conversion, and some printers have these devices to help along ink drying time during operation.
To learn more about these electronics, reach out to a company like Helioworks Inc.