photography basics and tips

What To Do When Your LED Refrigeration Lighting Doesn't Work

Refrigerated LED lighting is a great component of a refrigerated display case that will allow customers to easily see your products. However, the refrigerated LED lighting can become defective just like any other component and may need to be repaired or replaced. There are a few problems that you may be able to troubleshoot yourself.

Check Your Warranty

If you notice anything wrong with your refrigeration LED lighting, the first thing to do is determine whether the problem is covered under your warranty. If that is the case, you may have a defective part that can be replaced for free. This is especially the case if you have a new refrigerator display case LED system.

Check The Wiring

You may notice that the LED light does not turn on at all. This is usually the result of the LED current not running. First, make sure that the electric cord is connected to the power course. If the plug is unplugged, this is a simply problem to correct. Another reason why the light may not work at all is a blown fuse. Inspect the fuse box or circuit breaker to determine if you need to replace a fuse. If the circuit has no electrical current, you will need to have an electrician inspect it.

Check The Power Cord

When everything else seems in order, the problem is likely the result of a power cord that is damaged. Fortunately, it is easy and inexpensive to replace a damaged power cord. An ohmmeter can be used to check for wire damage. If there is very high resistance, this means the wire needs to be replaced.

Inspect The Light

Next, inspect the LED light to make sure this isn't the culprit. The great thing about LED bulbs is that there isn't a risk of them getting worn out. However, it is possible that the LED light might have a manufacturing defect and may therefore need to be replaced.

Inspect The Switch

Sometimes, the switch itself is interfering with the LED lighting. When a switch is loose, this can cause the user to think that the light is connected to the current. Determine if the switch is stuck. Sometimes, a switch needs to be cleaned in order for it to function properly. A clean cloth is usually enough to make sure that the switch is adequately cleaned. You may also need to replace the mounting hardware.

Contact a light company, like Beyond LED Technology, for more help. 
